Can Husbands and Wives Capture Intimate Relationships with Photos?

This practice, there are several cases of the spread of photos or videos of artists or community leaders when having an affair / adultery, they intend to capture it as a private collection and an additional sensation. Certainly a big problem for them. Well, what if a husband and wife want to capture this?

Lajnah Daimah [Saudi Arabian Law] was asked about this, "What is the law to portray the intimate relationship of husband and wife in the form of jima 'and the foreplay? and it is known that there are fatwas from some people who attribute themselves to science - in some countries that allow them to maintain / keep them on tapes / files so they don't leak to other people.

They answered:

ج: تصوير ما يحصل من الزوجين عند المعاشرة الزوجية محرم شديد التحريم; لعموم أدلة تحريم التصوير, ولما يفضي إليه تصوير المعاشرة الزوجية خصوصا من المفاسد والشرور التي لا تخفى, مما لا يقره شرع ولا عقل ولا خلق, فالواجب الابتعاد عن ذلك, والحرص على صيانة العرض والعورات ، فإن ذلك من الإيمان واستقامة الفطرة ، ومما يحبه الله سبحانه. وبالله التوفيق ، وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه وسل

"Photographing the intimate relationship of husband and wife is a case that is very forbidden, based on the generality of the haram tashwir (making pictures) *). And also because photographing intimate relationships between husband and wife can lead to real and unrecognized damage and ugliness by Shari'a, reason and beings. So it is obligatory to stay away from this matter and be passionate in maintaining honor and genitalia because it is part of the faith and straightness of nature, and includes things that are loved by Allah Subhanahu.

Wabillahi Taufiq, Wasallallhu in the style of Nabiyya Muhammad wa alihi wa Shahbihi wa sallam. (Fatwa lajnah Daimah no. 22659, Ash-Syamilah)

*) In this case the ulema were disputed, some scholars argued that taking pictures included tashwir, some scholars argued that photographing was not a forbidden tashwir.




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