Relationship between husband and wife bodies is alms

Connecting a husband and wife's body is charity and is a good rewarded.

From Abu Dhar Al-Ghifari, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said,

وَفِى بُضْعِ أَحَدِكُمْ صَدَقَةٌ ». قالوا يا رسول الله أيأتى أحدنا شهوته ويكون له فيها أجر قال «أرأيتم لو وضعها فى حرام أكان عليه فيها وزر فكذلك إذا وضعها فى الحلال كان له أجر»

"The relationship between you (with your wife or slave) is alms. The friends then asked the Apostle sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, ai O Messenger of Allah, did we come to our wife with lust get reward?’ He replied, ‘Isn't it if you have intercourse with the unclean, you get sin. Therefore if you have sex with the lawful ones, of course you will get a reward. '' [1]

An-Nawawi rahimahullah explains that intercourse / jima 'husband and wife provide very many benefits both in the world and in the hereafter. In the hereafter get merit, while in the world get various goodness including goodness of physical and psychological health. He said,

اعلم أن شهوة الجماع شهوة أحبها الأنبياء و الصالحون, قالوا لما فيها من المصا لح الدينية و الدنيوية, و من غض البصر, و كسر الشهوة عن الزنا, و حصول النسل الذي تتم به عمارة الدنيا و تكثر به الأمة إلى يوم القيامة. قالوا: و سائر الشهوات يقسي تعاطيهم القلب, الا هذه فإنها ترقق القلب

"Know that the lust of Jima '(which is lawful) is lust which is favored by the prophets and righteous people. They say so because there are various religious and world mashalat in the form of bowing their eyes, suppressing the lust of adultery and obtaining offspring, which by becoming the perfect building of the world and increasing the number of Muslims. They also say that all lust can harden the heart if fulfilled except this lust, because it can soften the heart. "[2]

In terms of health, Jima 'provides several benefits, including exercise, breathing exercises, strengthening bones and muscles, reducing cholesterol, can relieve pain, protect the prostate and release natural hormones that are beneficial to the body.

For psychological health, jima 'also provides many benefits such as making the mind fresh and more energetic. Pay attention to the following excerpts,

Ibn ‘Uqail Al-Hambil said,

كنت س دعول ، دعوت زوجتي إلى الفراش, فإذا فرغت من أمرها قمت إلى قراطيس أصب العلم صبا. لأن الجماع يصفى الذهن ويقوى الفهم.

"When I locked (stuck) on a problem (science), then I called my wife to have intercourse. When I'm done, then I take the paper and I put the knowledge on it (start writing) ", because jima 'can clear the mind and strengthen understanding." [3]

Al-Junaid said,

✍🏻 وكان الجنيد يقول: أحتاج الى الجماع كماأحتاج الى القوت. فالزوجة على التحقيق قوت وسبب لطهارة القلب. ولذللك أمر رسول الله كل من وقع نظره على إمرأة فتاقت اليها نفسه ان يجامع أهله.

"I need jima 'as I need food. The wife is essentially the body's intake and is the cause of the cleansing of the heart. Therefore, the Prophet ordered every man who saw a woman and then be martyred, so he should associate his wife. "[4]

Men who are married and get wives to channel their lust will have a calm and peaceful mind and are productive. This is what is meant by perfecting half religion as the words of the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam,

إِذَا تَزَوَّجَ العَبْدُ فَقَدْ كَمَّلَ نَصْفَ الدِّيْنِ ، فَلْيَتَّقِ اللهَ فِي النِّصْفِ البَاقِي

"If someone is married, then he has perfected half of his religion. Therefore, fear Allah in the other half. "[5]

The purpose of perfecting religion is to be better protected from the slander of the test of lust and adultery, because he has distributed it to the lawful, a woman he loves, his wife.

Al-Qurthubi explains the meaning of the hadith,

"Who is married means that he has perfected half his religion. Therefore fear Allah for the second half. "The meaning of this hadith that marriage will protect people from adultery. While maintaining the honor of adultery, including one who received a guarantee from the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam with heaven. He said, "Who is protected by Allah from two dangers, then Allah will put it in heaven, which is protected from the adverse effects of his mouth and his genitals." [6]

So hopefully useful


[1] HR. Muslim no. 1006

[2] Syarh Al-Arbain An-Nawawiyah p. 91, Darul Aqidah, Koiro

[3] Quwwatul Qulub by Sheikh Abu Talib Al-Makkiy

[4] Yes ‘ulumuddin p. 389

[5] HR. Al Baihaqi in Syu’abul Iman. Validated by Syaikh Al Albani in As Silsilah Ash Shahihah no. 625

[6] Tafsir al-Qurthubi, 9/327




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